
DSS Souleye is the name of the characters' ship. It is a 3x2 set of rooms on the map, and is marked as being pink-themed.


Cyan room[]

The left-bottom room of the ship. Contains a single teleporter. Color coordination makes it Viridian’s room.

Yellow room[]

The middle-bottom room. Contains Vitellary (once rescued).

Red room[]

The right-bottom room. Contains Vermilion (once rescued) and provides an exit, leading to Dimension VVVVVV.

Blue room[]

The left-top room. Contains shelves holding Trinkets, and has Victoria watching over them (once rescued). Upon collecting all trinkets, a large warp token is created here, leading to the Secret Lab. One trinket here may also be collected from Victoria.

Green room[]

The middle-top room. Otherwise known as the Jukebox. Contains music tracks from the game, with there being a track for every trinket milestone. Once rescued, Verdigris will stand nearby and watch over the machines.

Violet room[]

The right-top room. Will always contain Violet, and four monitors.


  • The DSS Souleye is named after Magnus_Pålsson, the creator of PPPPPP who also goes by SoulEye.